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    Jiangsu xu shun dongming auto parts co., LTD., Shanghai, triangle, jingjiang city, was founded in 1992, the registered capital of 30.08 million yuan.The company covers an area of 5.6 square meters, construction area of 5.6 square meters.Existing staff of 486, with the municipal technology development center, all kinds of engineering and technical personnel 47, including 3 senior titles.Through continuous technological innovation and transformation and upgrading, has become a set research and development/production/sales platform control of closed the car door systems, car networking multimedia system and the province of the industrial services high-tech enterprises.Main customers are jiangling isuzu, jiangling stake, foton, chongqing isuzu, saic, nanjing iveco, saic iveco hongyan, shaanxi heavy truck, gac, changfeng liebao, zhejiang zhongtai, Sue, mansion, products cover, heavy, light trucks, cars, SUV/MPV and new energy vehicles;Achieve sales of 230 million yuan in 2015;For five consecutive years was named the city "excellent enterprise".
    From 2013 to the end of 2013, the company accumulated investment of more than five thousand ten thousand yuan to equipment upgrade, the new automatic production line and automatic detection of article 4, introduction of RF warehouse management and 5 s lean management mode, through technical modification, the company's testing equipment has reached the domestic first-class, the scale of production reached the domestic leading level.
    To promote transformation and upgrading of enterprise products, the company rely on shenzhen information, talent, technology advantages, to buy 500 square meters office building in shenzhen, set up car networking multimedia system research and development center, center for all kinds of technical personnel more than 20 existing, providing customers with car networking multimedia system design/manufacturing/service.
    Chairman and general manager LengZhi silver wholeheartedly welcome new and old friends to patronize!
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9#,Tongjiang road,Large town,jingjiang,Jiangsu
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