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Global auto relay continued to expand the market rising steadily PCB type
Time:2016-05-12 16:53:44
As people on the improvement of auto humanization, comfortable, and in recent years, the amount of automobile relay presents the fast rising trend.
Relay is a kind of important electronic components, auto parts which are widely used in the control of the car started, preheating, air conditioning, lights, wiper, efi, oil pump, security, audio, communications, navigation, electric fan, cooling fan, electric Windows, air bags, anti-lock braking and suspension control and automotive electronic instrument and fault diagnosis system.Its are in the car after car electronic sensors.Relay is a kind of important electronic components, auto parts are second only to electronic sensors in the vehicle.Automobile comfort, security, constantly improve, inevitably leads to the rising demand for automotive relay. By 2013, the average number of relay used in the car will be from now only about 20 to 30 ~ 35 only.
PCB relay market continues to expand, automotive relay is roughly divided into plug-in relays and PCB (printed circuit board) of two kinds of type automobile relay, the plug-in cars relay main assembly in the central control box, use with wiring harness, the PCB type, volume is larger, higher load flow, the cost is higher, but easy to install and replace;And PCB type automobile relay is more used in automotive electronic modules, a plug-in, volume more filial piety and the surrounding a greater degree of integrated electronic circuits, the cost is lower.Market demand for automobile products make relay development in the direction of the miniaturization, intelligent, big load, etc.
As people on car human nature, comfortable asks is ceaseless rise, aggregate demand will be increasing global automotive relays.At the same time, consumers for car rides on the safety, comfort, and entertainment demand rising, will make the car's designers have to to improve the existing automotive electronic modules and electronic circuit or redesign, it will put forward new performance requirement of PCB type automobile relay.In addition, the traditional PCB relay switch of automotive electronic modules, is likely to be replaced by the new type of car electronic circuit solutions.All these will bring supplier technical and pricing pressure.
Global auto relay market rising steadily, as in recent years the development of automotive electronics, electrical appliances, automotive relay is also obtained the leap-forward development, the world of the production and sale of automotive relay is have been gradually rising trend.Is expected in the next few years, automobile electronic degree will enhance, automobile industry of automobile electronic appliances demand also will increase increasingly.

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