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Laser welding machine application advantage analysis
Time:2016-05-12 16:51:06
  Laser welding machine according to the working mode, a pulsed laser welding and laser seal welding of two consecutive, pulsed laser is mainly used for less than 1 mm thickness thin spot welding and seam welding of metal materials, continuous fiber laser welding depth than the big, wide welding speed is fast.Laser welding is a high energy density of laser beam on the two parts of material, make partial melting, heating and then cooling solidification together as a whole.Relative to the traditional welding technology, laser welding has the following advantages:
1. No contact process, the welding parts without external force.
2. The laser energy concentration, small heat affected, thermal deformation is small.
3. Can the welding high melting point, refractory, difficult to weld metal, such as titanium alloy, aluminum alloy, etc.Some welding between dissimilar materials can be realized.
4. The welding process has no pollution to the environment, can be directly welded in the air, the process is simple.
5. Solder joint is small, narrow seam, tidy and beautiful, without processing or simply processing after welding.The weld microstructure of uniform, less porosity, less defects, can reduce and optimize the mother material, weld mechanical strength is often higher than the parent metal mechanical strength.Laser welding on the mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and electromagnetism performance is superior to the conventional welding method.
6. The laser can be precise control, focusing on small points of light, but high precision positioning, precision machining.
7. Easy or manipulator with computer numerical control system, robot, automatic welding, improve production efficiency.
So, the use of laser welding, high precision, high efficiency, high strength, and the advantages of the timeliness, ensure the quality, production, delivery time, at present, laser welding has become a kind of precision machining industry competitive processing means, is widely used in machinery, electronics, batteries, aviation, instrumentation and other industries have special requirements in the workpiece, fold resistance spot welding and seal welding.
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