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Market analysis of economizer
Time:2016-05-12 16:52:24
  At present, with the improvement of energy conservation and environmental protection consciousness, especially the rising oil prices bring to People's Daily life pressure increasing, fuel-efficient car has been universally accepted, related products also have sprung up, comforting, has been widely sold in the market there are dozens of, such as: rich oxygen fuel economizer, magnetic economizer, electronic fuel economizer, physical economizer, automatic mechanical economizer, economizer, diesel fuel economizer, mixed fuel economizer and so on, these fuel-efficient products, no matter which kind of has a certain effect, but it is a pity that oil-saving rate is not high, oil-saving effect is not significant, can not meet the expectations of fuel-efficient products, can't meet people's psychology of fuel-efficient standards. 
Carefully analyse the causes of these products oil-saving effect is not satisfactory, on the one hand, people's expectations too high energy saving, existing products can meet;On the other hand is the product of fuel-efficient way by reducing friction or improve fuel combustion efficiency way to implement, and this way available space is small, the technology of modern automobile industry has made the automobile engine fuel combustion efficiency increased to more than 93% of the available space for people is only around 7%, which is about 7% of people and it's hard to do one hundred percent of the use of space, oil-saving rate it will be difficult to break through 7%, therefore, this way oil-saving although have the effect, but not very clear, in this way the oil often saved may be calculated error or bad driving habits and road conditions, weather factors such as the fuel quantity differences due to the different mask, so leave people a "do not have any effect, are lying" illusion, people actually wrong for these products, these products can really fuel-efficient, just can't achieve your fuel, not to your satisfaction. 
Hydrodynamic analysis of economizer
Hydrodynamic economizer broke through the above all sorts of economizer oil-saving train of thought, on the one hand, increase the combustion rate in fluctuation kongfu, on the other hand to engine has added new clean, environmental protection and efficient fuel - hydrogen, which broke through the traditional economizer is unable to break through the bottleneck of, oil-saving rate of 20% - 50%, it can be said that the oil-saving effect, not only breaks through the traditional the maximum fuel economizer, to a certain extent, also broke through the traditional mindset and understanding ceiling, suddenly heard can saving more than 20% of the oil-saving products, wow "have such a good product?", "is this true?", "you are not telling a story?""That will be an energy revolution", etc., most people are skeptical attitude, and it is these skeptical, part of it and with a curious psychology came to my company, the actual loading pavement test results from different provinces "colleagues" personally witnessed different models under different road conditions, oil-saving effect, convincing them.They are keen to realize the development prospects of this product and market space, it can bring direct economic benefits to the consumer (savings) at the same time, will bring generous returns to the operator, so respectively to discuss the agent for the sale and so on. 
Water power economizer huge market space, can not use specific figures to accurate labeling, as long as you have a pair of eye, and a wise mind, can calculate the actual results in his own heart. 
Giant to new energy technology co., LTD. Welcome people of insight to visit the company inspection, witness the measured results, with your own eyes to see, with your own brain, others say false is not terrible, terrible is you don't have the eye to identify, no wise mind to judge. 
With an investigation of travel for a chance to change the fate of life.Worth it!

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